Friday, May 27, 2016

Late May 2016 recap

This past week of May went out with a bang. Here's my past chases: Saturday May 21st - Leoti Kansas Tornadoes and Supercell Structure. 2 tornadoes. Sunday May 22nd - eastern TX panhandle storms. Didn't witness the tornadoes near Lakeview, TX due to flooding blocking my path. Monday May 23rd - eastern TX panhandle, rolling plains. Watch a large nighttime tornado east of Turkey, TX Tuesday May 24th - southwest Kansas Tornadoes. Witnessed 12-14 tornadoes near Dodge City, KS of all shapes and sizes. Thursday May 25th - southwest Kansas. Measured 4" hail near Sitka. Off for a while to catch up on sleep and normal life in general. Then attention turns to the northern plains hopefully.

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